

The ambitious mission of replicating the brain onto a computer and achieving immortality.

Multiple research shows that we could well imagine a future where infinite number of 人类 can upload their minds to the computer thus having an actual life after death and achieving 不朽.

Do we have the ability to make the race immortal?

所有的 being completes a life span by undergoing a steady process of ageing – starting from birth and eventually leading to death. Ageing is a natural and inevitable process in which the living cells in our body start to degenerate as we age. Thus, the species has a ‘limited’ life span and every being will go on to live for an average of 80 years. Still, it is not unusual that 人类 ‘want to be’ or rather ‘wish’ to ‘live forever’ and be immortal. Immortality has been tagged as a matter of fiction and a trait which in many cultures is possessed by spirits and Gods. People have always envisioned about possibilities that lie beyond the limitations of their biological bodies, an afterlife and no fear of death.

Currently, a lot of research is happening to understand if this science fiction can be turned into reality. It is being believed that the unthinkable might be achievable and science can provide a futuristic way for 人类 to evolve beyond their physical form and existence. A recent 不朽 research has shown that implementing certain ideas can extend the life to around a thousand years1. 在这项发表在 PLoS ONE的 scientists have detailed how they were able to produce a pattern very similar the fluctuations in the brain suggesting that considerable portions of post-mortem brain might retain certain capabilities through which it can still respond.

通过他的 2045 倡议2, Russian billionaire Dmitry Itskov claims that 人类 will achieve digital immortality by uploading their minds to computers and thus staying alive forever by transcending the need for a 生物 身体。 他正在与包括神经科学家和计算机专家在内的科学家网络合作开发所谓的“控制论的不朽”, within the next few decades (or by 2045). He and his team have proposed to create an ‘avatar’ in the next five years in which the entire brain can be transplanted after death. The avatar will be robots who shall be controlled by the mind and they will keep sending feedback to the brain through an efficient brain-computer interface. This avatar could store a personality till about 2035 and by the year 2045 a hologram avatar would be available. Itskov, labelled as a “transhumanist” claims that once this perfect mapping of the brain and transfer of the consciousness into the computer becomes a success, any can live longer as a humanoid robot body or as a hologram. Ray Kurzwell, director of engineering at Google Inc., has also boldly pointed out that the “race is going to transcend to a non-biological entity for which the biological part is not important any more”.

mind can be immortal?

人类思维 是不同认知能力的集合,包括意识、潜意识、感知、判断、思想、语言和记忆。 从技术的角度来看,让一个人的思想不朽并不像听起来那么不合理,因为人的思想只是一个软件,而大脑就是它的硬件。 因此,大脑像计算机一样通过计算将输入(感官数据)转化为输出(我们的行为)。 这一点是思想上传理论论证的开始。 它被描述为映射连接组——大脑中所有神经元的复杂连接——它是人类思维的关键。 如果这个过程可以被彻底映射,那么大脑可以在技术上与个人的“思想”一起“复制”到计算机上。 我们心灵的物质(神经元)可能会转移到机器上并从大脑中抹去,而心灵仍将具有通常定义人类个性的经验的连续性。 根据许多神经科学家的说法,连接组很可能被实施到计算机模拟中,控制我们身体之外的机器人身体。

然而,公平和现实地讲,这是一个比它看起来更大的挑战,尤其是在现有技术的背景下,并且由于人脑中大约 86 亿个神经元与这些神经元之间存在数万亿个连接而进一步复杂化。不断地改变他们的活动。 所有这些与当前技术的联系的“映射”只能在死的和切片的大脑上完成。 如果有的话。 此外,大脑的大多数分子级相互作用的数量和种类尚未完全了解。 此外,模拟大脑的一个或几个方面可能是可以实现的,但这不能让我们集体模拟大脑,即“思想”,即使使用最快的计算能力。


神经工程领域在大脑建模和开发技术方面取得了重大进展,以便能够恢复或替换部分大脑。 生物 职能。 思想上传是一个非常雄心勃勃的目标,科学界正在围绕人类的复杂性是否具有核心思想进行大量辩论。 甚至可以在机器中复制。许多物理学家不同意将大脑解释为仅仅是一台计算机,他们宁愿将人类意识定义为量子力学现象,这种现象源自于 宇宙。此外,人类大脑具有动态的复杂性,在不同的时间点给我们带来不同的感受和情绪,意识和潜意识的转移更加复杂和具有挑战性。

有趣的是,参与这项超越性研究的科学家们确信他们为实现这一目标“做了什么”,但不清楚目前的“如何”和可用技术。 基本的挑战是能够精确地从连接在这个奇妙器官——我们的大脑——内的细胞的物理基质,到达我们的精神世界,其中包括我们的思想、记忆、感觉和经验。 “人类永生”仍然是关于人类存在的最发人深省的争论。 如果我们真的有能力让人类长生不老,是不是就应该去做? 这将意味着,到 2045 年,由超过 XNUMX 亿人组成的整个人类——将拥有触手可及的令人难以置信的力量,使自己不朽。 冷冻保存被认为是 B 计划,目的是使人的寿命无限期,不让人们继续死亡,直到在未来 XNUMX 年内实现人脑的卸载。 这个过程涉及在低温下冷冻活细胞、组织、器官甚至整个身体(死后),以防止和保护它们免于腐烂。 基本前提是,一旦这种保存无限期地完成,我们就可以使它们恢复生机,并能够在相当未来的一段时间内治疗它们的医疗条件(已经杀死它们)科学会比实际保存时更先进。 考虑到所有正在进行的观察和推测,全世界的科学家评论说,人类的科学优先事项应该在于做出明智的选择,以产生技术来解决我们当前非常现实的问题。 就目前的情况而言,对大脑上传的猜测听起来像是一罐蠕虫,与我们的未来非常背道而驰。


{您可以通过单击下面引用来源列表中给出的 DOI 链接来阅读原始研究论文}


1. Rouleau N 等人。 2016. 大脑何时死亡? 神经递质在固定死后人脑中的应用产生的类似生命的电生理反应和光子发射。 公共科学图书馆之一. 11(12)。 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0167231

2. 2045倡议: http://2045.com. [5 年 2018 月 XNUMX 日访问]。

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