

A new global network of laboratories for 冠状病毒, CoViNet, has been launched by WHO. The aim behind this initiative is to bring together surveillance programs and reference laboratories to support enhanced epidemiological monitoring and laboratory (phenotypic and genotypic) assessment of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and novel 冠状病毒 of public health importance. 

The newly launched network expands on the “WHO SARS-CoV-2 Reference Laboratory Network” established earlier in January 2020, with the initial objective to provide confirmatory testing to countries with no or little testing capacity for SARS-CoV-2. Since then, the needs for SARS-CoV-2 have evolved and monitoring the evolution of the 病毒, spread of variants and assessing the impact of variants on public health remains essential. 

经过几年的 Covid-19 pandemic, WHO has decided to broaden and revise the scope, objectives and terms of reference and establish a new ‘WHO 冠状病毒 Network” (CoViNet) with enhanced epidemiological and laboratory capacities including: (i) expertise in animal health and environmental surveillance; (ii) other 冠状病毒, including MERS-CoV; and (iii) the identification of novel 冠状病毒 that could negatively affect human health.   

CoViNet , thus, is a network of global laboratories with expertise in human, animal and environmental 冠状病毒 surveillance with the following core objectives:  

  • early and accurate detection of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and novel 冠状病毒 of public health importance; 
  • surveillance and monitoring of the global circulation and evolution of SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and novel 冠状病毒 of public health importance recognizing the need for a “One Health” approach; 
  • timely risk assessment for SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV and novel 冠状病毒 of public health importance, to inform WHO policy related to a range of public health and medical counter measures; and 
  • 支持与 WHO 和 CoViNet 的需求相关的实验室能力建设2,特别是低收入和中等收入国家的实验室,针对 SARS-CoV-2、MERS-CoV 和具有公共卫生重要性的新型冠状病毒。 

该网络目前包括来自世卫组织所有 36 个区域 21 个国家的 6 个实验室。 

实验室代表于 26 月 27 日至 2024 日在日内瓦举行会议,最终确定 2025-XNUMX 年行动计划,以便世卫组织成员国能够更好地进行早期检测、风险评估和应对冠状病毒相关的健康挑战。 

通过 CoViNet 的努力生成的数据将指导世卫组织病毒进化技术咨询小组 (TAG-VE) 和疫苗成分技术咨询小组 (TAG-CO-VAC) 等机构的工作,确保全球卫生政策和工具基于最新的科学信息。 

COVID-19 大流行已经结束,但鉴于过去的历史,冠状病毒造成的流行和大流行风险非常显着。因此,需要更好地了解 SARS、MERS 和 SARS-CoV-2 等高风险冠状病毒,并检测新型冠状病毒。新的全球实验室网络应确保及时检测、监测和评估对公共卫生具有重要意义的冠状病毒。 



  1. 世卫组织启动了 CoViNet:一个针对冠状病毒的全球网络。发布于 27 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日。可在 https://www.who.int/news/item/27-03-2024-who-launches-covinet–a-global-network-for-coronaviruses  
  1. 世界卫生组织冠状病毒网络(CoViNet)。可用于 https://www.who.int/groups/who-coronavirus-network  


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