

科学的 research has proven that dogs are compassionate beings who overcome obstacles to help their 拥有者。

人类 have domesticated dogs for thousands of years and the bonding between humans and their pet dogs is a fine example of a strong and emotive relationship. Proud dog owners around the world have always felt and often discussed with their friends and family at some point on how they sense and feel that their 同伴们充满了同理心和同情心,尤其是在主人自己心烦意乱和心烦意乱的时候。人们认为狗不仅爱他们的主人,而且还认为这些人类是他们深情的家人,为他们提供庇护和保护。自文学存在以来,狗就被贴上“人类最好的朋友”的标签。这些关于狗对人类特别忠诚、喜爱和亲密的轶事在各种媒体中广为流传,无论是书籍、诗歌还是故事片。尽管人们对人类与宠物狗之间的关系有多好有了压倒性的了解,但迄今为止,在这一领域的科学研究结果却好坏参半。


约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员在他们的研究中表明 Springer’s Learning and 行为 that dogs are indeed man’s best friend and they are highly compassionate creatures with underrated social awareness and they rush to comfort their owners when they realise that their human owners are in distress. Researchers conducted several experiments to understand levels of empathy which dogs show towards their owners. In one out of many experiments, a set of 34 dog owners and their dogs of different sizes and breeds were gathered and the owners were asked to either cry or hum a song. It was done one at a time for each pair of dog and dog owner while both sitting across in different rooms with a transparent closed glass door in between supported only by three magnets to enable ease of opening. Researchers carefully judged dog’s behavioural reaction and also their heart rate (生理) by taking measurements on a heart rate monitor. It was seen that when their owners ‘cried’ or yelled “help” and dogs heard these distress calls, they opened the door three times faster to come in and offer comfort and aid and essentially “rescue” their human owners. This is in stark comparison to when the owners were only humming a song and appeared to be happy. Looking at the detailed observations recorded, dogs responded within an average of 24.43 seconds when their owners pretended to be distressed compared to an average response of 95.89 seconds when owners appeared happy while humming children rhymes. This method is adapted from the ‘trapped other’ paradigm which has been used in many studies involving rats.

有趣的是,当主人只是嗡嗡作响并且没有任何麻烦迹象时,狗为什么还要打开门。 这表明狗的行为不仅基于同理心,还表明它们需要社交接触,并且对门对面的东西有点好奇。 那些在开门时表现出更快反应的狗本身的压力水平较低。 通过进行基线测量确定进展线来记录压力水平。 这是一个可以理解且行之有效的心理观察,狗必须克服自己的痛苦才能采取行动(这里是开门)。 这意味着狗会压抑自己的感受,而是通过关注人类主人来表现出同理心。 类似的情况发生在儿童,有时甚至是成年人身上,他们必须克服自己压倒性的个人压力才能向某人提供帮助。 另一方面,根本不开门的狗则表现出明显的痛苦迹象,例如喘气或踱步,这表明他们对涉及他们真正爱的人的情况感到焦虑。 研究人员强调,这是正常行为,一点也不令人担忧,因为狗和人类一样,有时会表现出不同程度的同情心。 在另一项实验中,研究人员分析了狗对主人的凝视,以了解更多关于这种关系的信息。

在进行的实验中,16 只狗中有 34 只是训练有素的治疗犬并注册为“服务犬”。 然而,所有的狗都以类似的方式表现,无论它们是否是服务犬,甚至年龄或品种都无关紧要。 这意味着所有的狗都表现出相似的人与动物的联系特征,只是治疗犬在注册为服务犬时获得了更多的技能,这些技能说明了服从而不是情绪状态。 这一结果对用于选择和训练服务治疗犬的标准具有重要意义。 专家可以判断哪些特征对于在设计选择方案中进行治疗改进最重要。

该研究表明,犬科动物对人类的情绪和感受高度敏感,因为它们被认为能够强烈感知人类情绪状态的变化。 这些学习促进了我们对犬类同理心和一般情况下跨物种行为范围的理解。 扩大这项工作的范围以对其他宠物(如猫、兔子或鹦鹉)进行进一步研究会很有趣。 试图了解狗的思考和反应方式可以为我们提供一个起点,让我们了解同理心和同情心如何在人类中进化,从而使它们在困难的情况下表现出同理心。 它可以帮助我们调查同情反应的程度,并提高我们对哺乳动物(人和狗)共同进化历史的理解。


{您可以通过单击下面引用来源列表中给出的 DOI 链接来阅读原始研究论文}


桑福德 EM 等。 2018. Timmy's in the well:狗的同理心和亲社会帮助。 学习与行为https://doi.org/10.3758/s13420-018-0332-3


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