
COP28:“阿联酋共识”呼吁到 2050 年摆脱化石燃料  

联合国气候变化会议 (COP28) 达成了一项名为《阿联酋共识》的协议,制定了雄心勃勃的气候议程,力求将 1.5°C 的升温控制在可实现的范围内。 这呼吁缔约方在 2050 年之前摆脱化石燃料,实现净零排放. Perhaps, this ushers in the beginning of the end of 化石 fuel era.  

 全球库存, the first ever comprehensive assessment of the collective progress in implementing climate goals of 2015 Paris Agreement delivered by COP28 recognised that global greenhouse gas emissions need to be cut 43% by 2030, compared to 2019 levels, to limit global warming to 1.5°C. But the assessment found that the Parties are off track when it comes to meeting their Paris Agreement goals. Hence, the stocktake called on Parties to triple renewable energy capacity, to double energy efficiency improvements by 2030, to phase-down of unabated coal power, to phase to out inefficient 化石 fuel subsidies, and to take other measures that drive the transition away from 化石 fuels in energy systems, in a just, orderly and equitable manner, with developed countries continuing to take the lead. In the short-term, Parties are encouraged to come forward with economy-wide emission reduction targets and aligned with the 1.5°C limit in their next round of climate action plans by 2025. 

阿联酋共识是对全球盘点的回应,并实现了《巴黎协定》的中心目标。 共识的主要承诺包括:  

  • A reference to transitioning away from all 化石 fuels to enable the world to reach net zero emissions by 2050. 
  • 通过鼓励“整个经济范围的减排目标”,对下一轮国家自主贡献(NDC)的期望向前迈出了重要一步。 
  • 为金融架构改革议程营造动力,首次认识到信用评级机构的作用,并呼吁扩大优惠和赠款融资。 
  • 新的具体目标是到 2030 年将可再生能源数量增加三倍,能源效率增加一倍。 
  • 认识到需要大幅增加适应融资规模,以满足紧迫和不断变化的需求。 

在全球盘点之外, COP28 交付了落实损失和损害的谈判成果,获得了 792 亿美元的早期认捐,为全球适应目标 (GGA) 提供了框架,并将青年气候倡导者的作用制度化,以将青年纳入未来缔约方会议的主流。 根据 COP28 的总体行动议程,已筹集了超过 85 亿美元的资金,并提出了 11 项承诺和宣言,并获得了历史性支持。 



  1. UNFCCC. News – COP28 Agreement Signals “Beginning of the End” of the 化石 Fuel Era. Available at https://unfccc.int/news/cop28-agreement-signals-beginning-of-the-end-of-the-fossil-fuel-era  
  2. COP28 阿联酋。 新闻 – COP28 在迪拜达成历史性共识,加速气候行动。 可用于 https://www.cop28.com/en/news/2023/12/COP28-delivers-historic-consensus-in-Dubai-to-accelerate-climate-action  


乌梅什·普拉萨德(Umesh Prasad)
乌梅什·普拉萨德(Umesh Prasad)
科学记者| 《科学欧洲》杂志创始人编辑






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