

Two henipaviruses, Hendra 病毒 (HeV) and the Nipah 病毒 (NiV) are already known to cause fatal disease in humans. Now, a novel henipavirus has been identified in febrile patients in Eastern China. This is phylogenetically distinct strain of henipavirus and has been named Langya henipavirus (LayV). The patients had recent history of exposure to animals, hence suggestive of animal to human transfer. This seems to be a newly emerged 病毒 that has strong implications for human health.  

亨德拉 病毒 (HeV) and the Nipah 病毒 (NiV), belonging to genus Henipavirus in the 病毒 family Paramyxoviridae emerged in the recent past. Both are responsible for fatal diseases in humans and animals. Their genome consists of a single-stranded RNA surrounded by an envelope of lipid.  

亨德拉 病毒 (HeV) was first identified in 1994-95 through an outbreak in Hendra suburb in Brisbane, Australia when many horses and their trainers became infected and succumbed to lung disease with bleeding conditions. 尼帕病毒 (NiV) 于几年后于 1998 年在马来西亚尼帕当地爆发后首次被发现。 从那时起,世界各地不同国家,尤其是马来西亚、孟加拉国和印度,出现了多起 NiV 病例。 这些疫情通常与人类和牲畜的高死亡率有关。  

水果 蝙蝠 (翼龙), also known as flying fox, are natural animal reservoirs of both Hendra 病毒 (HeV) and the Nipah 病毒 (NiV). Transmission occurs from bats via saliva, urine, and excreta to humans. Pigs are intermediate host for Nipah while horses are intermediate hosts for HeV and NiV.  

在人类中,HeV 感染在发展为致命性脑炎之前会出现流感样症状,而 NiV 感染通常表现为神经系统疾病和急性脑炎,在某些情况下还会出现呼吸系统疾病。 人传人发生在感染后期1.  

Henipaviruses are highly pathogenic. These are fast emerging zoonotic 病毒. In June 2022, researchers reported characterization of another henipavirus named, Angavokely 病毒 (AngV)2. 这是在野生马达加斯加果蝠的尿液样本中发现的。 它的基因组显示了与其他亨尼帕病毒致病性相关的所有主要特征。 考虑到蝙蝠在马达加斯加被当作食物食用,如果蔓延到人类身上,这也可能成为一个问题。  

04 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日,研究人员3 reported identification (characterisation and isolation) of yet another novel henipavirus from the throat swab of febrile patients during sentinel surveillance. They named this strain Langya henipavirus (LayV). It is phylogenetically related to Mojiang 亨尼帕病毒. They identified 35 patients with LayV infection in Shandong and Henan provinces of 中国。 其中 26 名患者不存在其他病原体。 所有 LayV 患者均出现发烧和一些其他症状。 鼩鼱似乎是 LayV 的天然宿主,对小动物的研究表明,27% 的鼩鼱、2% 的山羊和 5% 的狗体内存在 LayV RNA。

The findings of this study suggest that LayV infection was the cause of fever and associated symptoms among the patients studied and small domestic animals were the intermediate hosts of the LayV 病毒.  



  1. Kummer S, Kranz DC (2022) Henipaviruses——对牲畜和人类的持续威胁。 PLoS Negl Trop Dis 16(2):e0010157。 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0010157  
  1. 马德拉S., 2022. 从马达加斯加的果蝠中发现一种新型 Henipavirus,Angavokely 病毒并进行基因组表征。 发表于 24 年 2022 月 XNUMX 日。预印本 bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.06.12.495793  
  1. 张小爱 2022. 中国发热患者中的一种人畜共患 Henipavirus。 4 年 2022 月 2022 日。N Engl J Med 387; 470:472-XNUMX。 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMc2202705 


乌梅什·普拉萨德(Umesh Prasad)
乌梅什·普拉萨德(Umesh Prasad)
科学记者| 《科学欧洲》杂志创始人编辑









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