
饮食中的维生素 C 和维生素 E 可降低帕金森病的风险

最近对近 44,000 名男性和女性进行的研究发现,较高水平的 维生素C 维他命 E in the diet are associated with lower risk of Parkinson’s Disease1.

维生素 C and E are antioxidants2. 抗氧化剂可以抵消氧化应激,这是由称为自由基的高活性分子引起的2. 氧化应激有多种来源,如阳光、空气污染、香烟烟雾和运动2. Oxidative stress can cause cell damage (through damage to molecules in the body) and can contribute to many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s 疾病 and even eye diseases2. 因此,抗氧化剂可能有益于防止分子损伤和维持细胞健康。

瑞典最近的一项研究探讨了某些饮食因素对罹患糖尿病的影响 帕金森氏病 (PD) 存在于近 44,000 名男性和女性中1. These factors included dietary intake of 维他命 C, 维他命 E and beta-carotene1. 将这些特定微量营养素的摄入量与该组的 PD 发生率进行比较1.

β-胡萝卜素与 PD 风险无关1. However, intake of 维生素 C and E was inversely correlated to the risk of PD1 表明这些抗氧化剂提供了一些神经保护作用,从而降低了 PD 的发生率。

This study may allow the inference that it may be beneficial to increase these 维生素 in the diet to reduce risk of PD, but it does not necessarily mean that the association seen was caused by the intake of these 维生素, as people ingesting more of these 维生素 might just have healthier diets and lifestyles. It may be the case that there was a causal relationship but this is hard to prove from an association study. There could also be a non-causal relationship; supporting this is the finding from an older study comparing levels of antioxidants in the blood of PD patients which found no evidence that antioxidants contributed to onset or progression of PD3. Lastly, both theories may be true, where 维生素 C and E in diet played a minor role. Regardless, the overall message of intaking enough vitamin C (such as through eating oranges and strawberries) and 维他命 E (such as through eating nuts and seeds) is probably conducive to good health.



  1. Hantikainen E., Lagerros Y., et al 2021. Dietary Antioxidants and the Risk of Parkinson 疾病. The Swedish National March Cohort. Neurology Feb 2021, 96 (6) e895-e903; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000011373  
  1. NIH 2021。抗氧化剂:深入。 可在线获取 https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/antioxidants-in-depth  
  1. King D.、Playfer J. 和 Roberts N.,1992。老年帕金森病患者的维生素 A、C 和 E 浓度。Postgrad Med J(1992)68,634-637。 可在线获取 https://pmj.bmj.com/content/postgradmedj/68/802/634.full.pdf 










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