

Study has produced a new material which could adsorb air and pollutants and could be a low cost sustainable alternative to the currently used activated carbon

污染 使我们的 行星的 土地, , air and other constituents of the environment dirty, unsafe and unsuitable to use. 污染 is caused by artificial introduction or entry of a contaminant(s) into a natural environment. 污染 is of various types; example land 污染 is caused mostly by household discard or garbage and industrial waste by commercial companies. 污染 is caused when foreign substances are introduced to include chemicals, sewage , pesticides and fertilizersor metals like mercury. Air pollution is caused by particles in the air from burning fuels, like soot, containing millions of tiny particlesfloating in the air. Another common type of air pollution is dangerous gases, such as sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and chemical vapours.Also, 空气污染 也可以以温室气体(例如二氧化碳或二氧化硫)的形式出现,并帮助我们的地球变暖。 行星 通过温室效应。其他类型的污染是噪音污染,即来自飞机、工业或其他来源的声音达到有害水平。

Despite major efforts that have been made over recent years to clean up the environment, pollution remains a major problem and poses continuing risks to health, affecting 200 million people worldwide. The problems are undeniably greatest in the developing world, where traditional sources of pollution such as industrial emissions, poor sanitation, inadequate waste management, contaminated supplies and exposures to indoor air pollution from biomass fuels affect large numbers of people. Even in developed countries, however, environmental pollution persists, most especially amongst poorer sectors of society. Though the risks are generally higher in developing countries, where poverty, economical constraints for adopting technology and weak environmental laws combine to cause high pollution levels. This risk is further compounded by unsafe , poor sanitation, poor hygiene and indoor air pollution. Pollution has detrimental effects on unborn and growing children, and life expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of cancers and other diseases. 空气和水污染 是一个无声的杀手,被认为会对我们产生不利影响 行星 and in turn mankind. The air which we breathe has a very definite chemical composition which is 99 percent of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor and inert gases. Air pollution occurs when things that aren’t normally added to the air. Particulate matter – solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and emitted from power plants, industry, automobiles and fires – is now ubiquitous in cities and even suburban areas. Also, millions of tons of industrial effluents are released into the world’s 水域 every year. Both particulate matter and dyes are highly toxic to environment, ecosystem and to humanity.

Various methods and procedures are routinely used for tackling air and pollution, including filtration, ion-exchange, coagulation, decomposition, adsorptionetc and each of these methods exhibit different rates of success. When compared, adsorption is considered most feasible because of being simple, easy to operate, having high efficiency, convenience to use etc. Among the various adsorbents, in pollution abatement of air and waste , activated carbon is the most commonly used adsorbent. Also called activated charcoal, itis a form of carbon processed to have small, low-volume pores that increase the surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions. In fact, activated carbon is the gold standard in adsorbents. Carbon has a natural affinity for 有机 苯等污染物会附着在其表面。如果你“激活”碳,即在 1,800 度的温度下对其进行蒸汽处理,它会形成小孔和小袋,从而增加其表面积。农药、氯仿和其他污染物会滑入蜂窝状的孔中并牢牢地固定住。而且,经过彻底处理后,水中不会残留任何碳。中国和印度等发展中国家的水处理厂通常使用活性炭。同样,活性炭具有特殊的性质,有助于去除空气中的挥发性化合物、气味和其他气态污染物。它的工作方式非常简单。活性炭有一些缺点,首先它非常昂贵,而且保质期很短,因为它只能在其孔隙填满之前使用——这就是为什么你必须不时更换过滤器。活性炭也很难再生,其有效性会随着时间的推移而降低。它们不能有效去除那些不被碳或致病细菌和病毒吸引的污染物。


在最近发表的一项研究中 化学前沿研究人员创造了一种负担得起的低成本且可持续的材料,用于解决空气和水污染问题。这种新型“绿色”多孔材料由固体废物和丰富的资源制成 有机 与活性炭相比,天然聚合物在吸附废水和空气中的污染物方面看起来非常有前途,并且被标记为“经济替代品”。这种新型“绿色”吸附剂是天然丰富的原材料(一种称为海藻酸钠的多糖,可从海藻和藻类中提取)与工业副产品硅灰(硅金属合金加工的副产品)的组合。它很容易合成,并通过藻酸盐的胶凝特性和碳酸氢钠的分解在低温下以不同的尺度长度控制孔隙率来固结。为了测试废水污染,使用蓝色染料作为模型污染物。结果发现,新型混合材料吸附和去除染料的效率约为 94%,这是非常令人鼓舞的。即使非常高浓度的这种染料也被去除。这种材料在捕获柴油机废气中的颗粒物方面表现出令人鼓舞的能力。由意大利布雷西亚大学的 ElzaBontempi 博士领导的研究得出的结论是,这种材料能够非常有效地替代活性炭,不仅能够捕获空气中的细颗粒物,还能够非常有效地替代活性炭。 有机 废水中的污染物,从而减少污染。



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Zanoletti A 等。 2019. 一种源自硅粉和藻酸盐的新型多孔混合材料,用于可持续减少污染物。 化学前沿。 6。 https://doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2018.00060

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