
英国 50 至 2 岁年龄段的 16 型糖尿病患者中有 44% 未确诊 

Analysis of Health Survey for England 2013 to 2019 has revealed that an estimated 7% of adults showed evidence of type 2 糖尿病, and 3 in 10 (30%) of those were undiagnosed; this equates to approximately 1 million adults with undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. Younger adults were more likely to be undiagnosed. 50% of those aged 16 to 44 years with type 2 diabetes were undiagnosed compared with 27% of those aged 75 years and over. The prevalence of pre-diabetes among Black and Asian ethnic groups was more than double compared to main ethnic groups.  

According to Office for National Statistics (ONS) release titled “Risk factors for pre-diabetes and undiagnosed type 2 糖尿病 in England: 2013 to 2019”, an estimated 7% of adults in 英国 有 2 型糖尿病的证据,其中十分之三 (3%) 未被诊断;这相当于大约 10 万成年人患有未确诊的 30 型糖尿病。 

老年人更有可能患有 2 型 糖尿病,但如果年轻人确实患有 2 型糖尿病,他们更有可能未被诊断出来; 50 至 16 岁的 44 型糖尿病患者中有 2% 未确诊,而 27 岁及以上的患者中这一比例为 75%。 

Those with type 2 diabetes were also more likely to be undiagnosed if they were in better general health, and women were more likely to be undiagnosed if they had a lower body mass index (BMI), lower waist circumference, or were not prescribed 抗抑郁药

在英格兰,大约九分之一的成年人 (1%) 患有前驱糖尿病,相当于大约 9 万成年人。 

最容易患上糖尿病前期的人群是那些已知有 2 型糖尿病危险因素的人群,例如年龄较大或 BMI 类别为“超重”或“肥胖”;然而,在通常被认为“低风险”的群体中也有相当高的患病率,例如,4 至 16 岁人群中 44% 以及非超重或肥胖人群中 8% 患有前期糖尿病。 

黑人和亚裔群体的糖尿病前期患病率 (22%) 是白人、混血和其他种族群体 (10%) 的两倍多;与白人、混血和其他族裔群体 (2%) 相比,黑人和亚裔群体中未确诊 5 型糖尿病的总体患病率 (2%) 也更高。  

Among those who were found to have type 2 diabetes, there was no difference between ethnic groups, with similar percentages of people who were undiagnosed found in both Black and Asian, and White, Mixed and Other 族群



国家统计局 (ONS),19 年 2024 月 XNUMX 日发布,ONS 网站,统计公报, 英国糖尿病前期和未确诊 2 型糖尿病的危险因素: 2013到2019 


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