

A trial comparing placebo, 5% and 10% minoxidil solution on the scalps of men experiencing male pattern 脱发 surprisingly found that the efficacy of minoxidil was not dose-dependant as 5% minoxidil was significantly more effective at regrowing hair than 10% minoxidil1.

Topical minoxidil is currently the only approved 治疗 for androgenetic alopecia (male pattern 脱发) 不会改变血清激素水平,因为唯一获得批准的其他治疗方法是口服非那雄胺,它可以减少强效雄性激素二氢睾酮的内源性产生2. 因此,这种治疗在对抗雄激素性脱发 (AGA) 的大型男性社区中引起了极大的兴趣。

该研究共包括 90 名患有 AGA 的男性,分为 3 组:0%(安慰剂)、5% 和 10% 米诺地尔溶液治疗1 (作为参考,5% 米诺地尔是最常见的市售米诺地尔配方)。 治疗持续了 36 周,安慰剂组的顶点(冠部)和额部毛发数量几乎没有变化1. 正如预期的那样,5% 和 10% 米诺地尔组经历了再生1. 然而,令人惊讶的是,5% 的米诺地尔在再生顶点毛发方面的效果是 9% 的米诺地尔的 10 倍1. 此外,5% 的米诺地尔在再生额毛方面的效果略高于 10%1。 最后, 皮肤 irritation and hair shedding (this is observed in scalp hair prior to regrowth during minoxidil treatment) was more prominent in the 10% minoxidil group than the 5% minoxidil group1.

这些发现非常令人惊讶,因为随着剂量的增加通常存在剂量反应关系 药物 corresponding to an increase in the desired outcome of the drug as well as increase in side effects, not a decrease in desired outcome as observed in this study. These results indicate that there may be an optimal concentration of minoxidil solution which provides maximal hair regrowth for the scalp and increasing beyond this threshold reduces regrowth. This suggests that the higher concentrations of minoxidil like 10% and higher that can be found easily online and are often experimented with in the communities experiencing 脱发, should be avoided as they have worse safety profiles and also less benefits.



  1. Ghonemy S Alarawi A. 和 Bessar, H. 2021。新的 10% 外用米诺地尔与 5% 外用米诺地尔和安慰剂治疗男性雄激素性脱发的疗效和安全性:毛发镜评估。 皮肤病治疗杂志。 32 年第 2021 卷 – 第 2 期。DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/09546634.2019.1654070 
  1. Ho CH, Sood T, Zito PM。 雄激素性脱发。 [2021 年 5 月 2021 日更新]。 在:StatPearls [互联网]。 金银岛 (FL):StatPearls Publishing; XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月-。 可从: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK430924/ 







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