


科学家 discovered a very important aspect of wound healing in the late 1970s when the understanding of this process was at a very early stage. It was seen that any wounds which were incurred in a baby before the seventh month of 怀孕 left no scars and there is fast scar less healing in early development of foetuses. This led the researchers to try and recreate or replicate these unique properties of the foetal skin which could be the used for regenerative medicine. The foetal skin is known to have very high levels of a 蛋白质 called fibronectin. This protein fibronectin generally assembles into an extracellular matrix which in turn helps or rather promotes cell binding and adhesion. What is unique is that this property is very exclusive to foetal 皮肤 and is not found in adult cells. To elaborate this property further, fibronectin protein has two unique structures globular and fibrous. The globular structure i.e. the one spherical in shape is found in blood, while tissues in the body are fibrous. Fibronectins have always been seen as potential good candidates for 伤口愈合 但到目前为止,制造纤维状纤连蛋白仍然是一个挑战。在最近发表的双重研究中,研究人员提供了对两种不同类型的 纳米纤维 使用植物和动物中天然存在的蛋白质的敷料。这些敷料被认为对伤口组织的愈合和再生非常有效。目前的这些研究开创了创造和开发用于伤口愈合的纳米纤维的可能性。作者的整个想法是创造敷料,旨在开发治疗伤口的疗法,特别是在战争期间造成的伤口。这种伤口的愈合是一个痛苦的过程,并且目前可用的伤口治疗方法效果不佳。

在发表的第一项研究中 生物材料,来自哈佛大学约翰·A·保尔森工程与应用科学学院 (SEAS) 和 Wyss 生物启发工程研究所的研究人员在内部开发的名为旋转喷射纺丝 (RJS) 的平台上制造了纤维状纤连蛋白1. 他们描述了一个 伤口敷料 通过使用胎儿组织。 两步过程很简单,首先将液态聚合物溶液(这里是溶解在溶剂中的球状纤连蛋白)装入储液器,并在机器旋转时通过离心力将其推入一个微小的开口中。 当该溶液离开水库时,溶剂蒸发并且聚合物固化。 这种强大的离心力将球状纤连蛋白展开成细小的细纤维(直径小于一微米)。 这些纤维可以收集起来的伤口敷料或绷带。 动物试验表明,用这种新型纤连蛋白敷料处理的伤口仅在 2 天内显示出 84% 的皮肤组织恢复,而正常敷料则恢复了 20%。这种敷料的工作原理得到了很好的解释。 敷料整合到伤口中,就像一个有指导意义的支架,然后允许不同的干细胞进行必要的再生,并协助伤口组织的愈合过程。 该材料最终被身体吸收。 用这种纤连蛋白敷料治疗的伤口具有非常正常的表皮厚度和真皮结构。 甚至伤口愈合后的头发也重新长出来了。 这是一项重大成就,因为头发再生一直是伤口愈合领域的主要挑战之一。 与皮肤再生的标准过程相比,该过程仅使用一种材料的能力即可有效修复组织并再生毛囊。 显然,这种方法对于将研究转化为实际应用具有显着优势。 这些纤连蛋白敷料适用于小伤口,尤其是面部和手部的小伤口,这对于防止留下任何疤痕很重要。

在他们发表的第二项研究中 高级 健康防护 材料,研究人员开发了一种基于大豆的纳米纤维,可促进伤口愈合2. Soy protein contains,firstly, estrogen-like molecules (which are proven to accelerate wound healing) and secondly, bioactive molecules which contribute in building and supporting human cells in the body. These molecule types are routinely used in reproductive 药物. Its very interesting that whenever the estrogen levels are higher in a woman’s body, their cuts or bruises heal faster. This is the reason pregnant women heal faster because they have such high estrogen. This is also the reason that an unborn baby inside the womb express scar-less wound healing because of the high levels of estrogen present. Researchers used the same RJS to spin ultra-thin soy fibres into wound dressings. These experiments also showed that soy and cellulose-based dressings on wound show 72 percent increased and improved healing, compared to only 21 percent in wounds without this soy protein dressing making them extremely promising. These dressings are inexpensive and thus optimally suited for large-scale usage, example for burn victims. Such cost-effective scaffolds are considered a revelation and have enormous potential for regenerative, especially for the militia, dressings under the umbrella of nanofiber technology.The Harvard Office of Technology Development has protected the intellectual property relating to these projects and is exploring commercialization opportunities.


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1. Chantre CO 等人。 2018. 生产规模的纤连蛋白纳米纤维促进皮肤小鼠模型中的伤口闭合和组织修复。 生物材料. 166(96)。 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.03.006

2. Ahn S 等人。 2018. 大豆蛋白/纤维素纳米纤维支架模拟皮肤细胞外基质以增强伤口愈合。 先进的医疗保健材料https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.201701175

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