

Research has shown that another 蛋白质 called tau is responsible for early symptoms of 阿尔茨海默氏病 这些信息可能有助于开发治疗方法。

阿尔茨海默氏症 疾病(AD)或简单地说 阿尔茨海默氏症 无法治愈,也无法预防。推迟症状的出现 阿尔茨海默氏症 长达10-15年的时间肯定会影响人们的生活 患者、他们的家人和医疗保健提供者。目前,只能对 AD 进行晚期诊断,届时大脑功能已大大减弱。主要特点 阿尔茨海默氏症 is build-up of plaque and defective 蛋白质 around neurons inside the brain which are responsible for advancement of the 疾病. Multiple research shows that higher levels of 蛋白质 amyloid in the 是发展 AD 的早期指标。 大多数研究关于 阿尔茨海默氏病 一直专注于了解这是如何 蛋白质 amyloid beta accumulates in the brain. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging technique has been used to visualize deposits of amyloid in Alzheimer’s patients. These images and analysis of brain tissue has shown that people with Alzheimer’s definitely have higher accumulation of amyloid 蛋白质 in their brains compared to healthy people.

Is there another 蛋白质 responsible?

Though it is seen that even after amyloid beta gets accumulated and Alzheimer’s disease is at its earliest stage, many patients still have their cognitive processes – both memory and thought – very much intact. This is indicative of a scenario in which amyloid 蛋白质 must be changing first and then there must be some other factor responsible which researchers predicted could be a second 蛋白质 present inside brain cells called tau. It could even be a combination of both because of which a patient may show mild cognitive impairment. Interestingly, even people who have no signs of Alzheimer’s have sometimes amyloid 蛋白质 accumulated in their brains. Recent studies have generated interest in tau蛋白 which though has been associated with the disease but hasn’t been the focus of much research. One obstacle in pursuing study on tau 蛋白质 has been that a non-invasive way to get an image of this protein inside a living person’s brain has been only lately achieved. Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis have used a previously unknown imaging agent which binds to the tau protein (without causing side effects) making it visible in PET scans. In their study they aimed to understand the significance of tau as a marker of cognitive decline – a critical characteristic of 阿尔茨海默氏症。他们的研究发表在《科学》杂志上 转化医学。

在这项研究中,46 名参与者(36 名健康成年人和 10 名轻度 AD 患者)接受了使用新型 PET 显像剂的脑部成像。然后对他们的大脑图像进行比较,以了解 AD 导致的认知能力下降。通过脑脊液测量、临床痴呆评级以及记忆和其他大脑功能的纸质测试来评估认知障碍的程度。认知功能障碍的严重程度与图像一起进行分析。 10 名轻度 AD 患者的 PET 扫描结果清楚地表明,与淀粉样蛋白相比,tau 蛋白能更好地预测认知能力下降症状。 tau 蛋白可能与记忆丧失等症状关系更密切。这种新的 tau 蛋白(称为 T807)被认为对于首先了解疾病进展至关重要 阿尔茨海默氏症 其次,收集有关大脑哪些部分受到影响并参与疾病进展的信息。尽管 tau 蛋白增加已经是一个确定的标志 阿尔茨海默氏症 但首次确定了大脑中积累这些异常蛋白质的区域。只要 tau 蛋白沉积在大脑海马体中,它的耐受性就很好。它扩散到颞叶(与记忆处理相关)等其他区域可能具有破坏性,这在记忆和注意力测试中得到了反映。这使得 tau 蛋白有可能被用作诊断工具。这种情况不适用于淀粉样蛋白,这证实了 tau 蛋白可以更准确地预测一个人从早期阶段(无症状)过渡到轻度阶段。 阿尔茨海默氏症 疾病。淀粉样蛋白和 tau 蛋白的组合也可能是造成这种情况的原因。这项研究确实有一些局限性,因为这些图像基本上是大脑在某个时间点的“一张快照”,它们不能完全描述 tau 蛋白与精神退化之间的关联。

由于现在可用于淀粉样蛋白 β 和 tau 的显像剂,关于哪一种更重要的争论可以继续,但可以使用必要的工具来研究针对这两种蛋白质的实验疗法的效果。 新的 tau 显像剂已被批准用于临床试验,可用于各种涉及 tau 蛋白升高的疾病的脑成像,例如脑损伤或外伤。 对阿尔茨海默病的早期诊断可以帮助设计用于积聚淀粉样蛋白和 tau 蛋白的药物,这是一个巨大的希望。 研究人员乐观地提出了一种个性化的阿尔茨海默氏症疗法,该疗法将基于患者大脑中的确切情况。


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Brier MR 2018. Tau 和 Ab 成像、脑脊液测量和阿尔茨海默病的认知。 科学转化医学. 8(338)。 https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf2362


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