


我们的肠道微生物群——肠道中数以万亿计的天然微生物——在免疫、新陈代谢和心理健康方面发挥着重要作用。 多项研究表明,肠道微生物也可以调节大脑机制。 焦虑 – the intense, excessive and persistent worry and fear of events or situations – is common in mental disorders and many physical disorders when stress is involved. Symptoms of 焦虑 include feeling nervous, tense, increased heart rate and breathing, sweating, insomnia etc. Microbial imbalance of intestinal microbiota has been linked to 焦虑 though direct evidence of improvement in 焦虑 symptoms by regulating this microbiota has not been available.

在 17 月 XNUMX 日发表的一项新的系统评价中 BMJ 一般精神病学 a team of researchers exclusively reviewed randomized controlled trials on humans published in the past with an aim to investigate evidence that 焦虑 symptoms could be improved by regulating microorganisms in the intestine. They screened past literature and retrieved 3334 articles from five English and four Chinese databases and shortlisted 21 studies. A systematic evaluation of a total of 21 studies which had collectively analyzed around 1500 individuals was then conducted. The subjects had 焦虑 symptoms measured on 焦虑 scales irrespective of their diagnosis. All studies used interventions to regulate intestinal microbiota (IRIFs) which included 益生菌 补充剂或 饮食 改造。 其中 14 项研究使用益生菌作为干预措施,同时在日常饮食中保持使用改变。 益生菌是含有“好”细菌的食品补充剂,可以对抗“有害”细菌,并且可能不允许它们进入肠道。 或者,吃富含纤维的植物性饮食可以增加肠道中的有益细菌。 每项研究的结果都是通过使用标准化焦虑评估量表测量焦虑症状来评估的。

Analysis showed that in 11 studies out of 21, an alleviating effect was seen on 焦虑 symptoms due to regulation of intestinal microbiota indicating effectiveness in almost 52 percent of studies. In 14 studies which used probiotics supplements as intervention, 36 percent studies found regulation to be an effective tool in reducing symptoms. Finally, in 6 out of 7 studies which used 非益生菌 干预措施的有效性为 86%。 在使用 IRIF 干预方法和常规治疗的 5 项研究中,只有使用非益生菌干预的研究获得了阳性结果,表明非益生菌干预益生菌 与 IRIF 一起进行干预比单独使用 IRIF 更有效。 与通过益生菌补充剂添加特定类型的细菌相比,改变饮食可能对肠道细菌产生更大的影响。 大多数研究中没有报告不良事件,只有轻微的口干、不适或腹泻。

At least half of the studies evaluated showed that modulating microbiota in intestine could treat 焦虑 symptoms in patients irrespective of the diagnosis. And, a non-probiotics approach by making suitable diet adjustments was more effective compared to probiotic interventions. For clinical treatment of 焦虑, psychiatric drugs are used. Alternatively, when patients are not suitable to recieve such drugs – especially when they have somatic diseases – probiotic or non-probiotic interventions could be possibly used to treat anxiety.


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Yang B. et al. 2019. Effects of regulating intestinal microbiota on 焦虑 symptoms: A systematic review. General Psychiatry. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/gpsych-2019-100056

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